“Angelia!”亚历山大终于忍不了了,“Who is this helling girl???”

“Well……”我有点犹豫,“That is an incredible story……She is my……younger sister!”

“What?!”亚历山大很吃惊,“But,your father was……”

“It。' maybe a lie.”我低下头,“After meeting her,I remember numorous things about my mother,Maybe my mother was abandoned by my father……I have already sent an email to Mr.Smith……To explore the truth of their experience at that time!”

“Three days ago,in the morning,this girl found me,and she said something dirty about your mother,I am really annoyed!”亚历山大脸上的表情很是愤怒。

“I。've got it,she said my mother was a hooker,Maybe she learns it from her Mum,It。's bullshit!”我咬牙切齿。







“呸!”她冲我吐吐舌头,“Stupid Hybrid!”